Monday, September 27, 2010

The wall

It was inevitable. It was going to happen eventually and I fully accepted that. With all the cupcakes I've been making and all the different recipes and techniques, it was bound to happen. I hit the infamous wall. I had tried 3 recipes one night and the very next day went right back at it and tried 2 more recipes. I was tired of making cupcakes, tired of not having any success with my recipes and tired of my ideas not working out. So the logical thing would be to throw in the towel and ignore the cupcakes, but is that what I do? Nope.

The same day that I decided I hated cupcakes (strong words, I know) my little family and I went out to dinner with some good friends of ours. Well, while we were waiting for our pizza, Danielle just happened to have mentioned  that cupcakes sounded good and that we should make some cupcakes. I jumped on that idea like white on rice. Shortly after that we found ourselves picking up supplies at the grocery store and in my kitchen literally covered in flour.

It was therapeutic, it was fun, and it was exactly what I needed. I don't think I've ever laughed so much while making cupcakes. Plus, we even found a fantastic vanilla cupcake recipe.

Oh the wonders of a good friend and a cupcake.

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