Thursday, September 16, 2010


It's freezing out today. Well, it is now at least. And it's raining. Perfect day to sleep.....OR bake some cupcakes! Today was chocolate cupcake day. I bundled up my baby and ventured out to Walmart & Hobby Lobby for ingredients/supplies this morning. It was a quick, relatively uneventful trip (always the best kind!) and when I got home I layed him down for a nap and it was just me, my 3 year old and a counter full of ingredients & endless possibilities! We limited those possibilities to just two, but nonetheless it was a successful afternoon!

I made 2 types of chocolate cupcakes today. Cupcake A and Cupcake B. I had 3 taste testers besides myself (well, 4 if you include my 3 year old). The results:

Husband: Cupcake A
Myself: Cupcake B
Mom: Cupcake A

Hmmmmm....despite popular opinion, I'm still leaning towards Cupcake A ;)

I need more taste testers!

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