Saturday, September 11, 2010

Decorating basics?

Yes, please!

I have decided to build up my foundation of decorating knowledge. I know how to make frostings, I know how to decorate but I think it could use some tweaking. I would really like my cupcakes to look professional and like I know what I'm doing. That's the kicker right there....I want them to look like I know what I'm doing! So much of what I'm doing right now is trial and error. Wouldn't life be so much easier if I already knew what was and was not going to work or how to execute certain techniques? Thus drum roll please Decorating Basics. I'm going to take a class at Hobby Lobby to learn the basics. I may learn a lot of things that I already know, but I also think I will learn a lot of things that I don't know. But more than that, I think it will help give me the confidence I need when decorating. Personally, I'm pretty stoked because I think it's going to be a fun time and my mom is taking the class with me (Yay for mom's!).

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