Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Another day, more recipes to try. Are you starting to feel the monotony here?? The good news is that I'm starting to get really good at decorating them! My husband insisted that with each set of cupcakes I make, that I have to decorate them like I would if I was giving them to a client - no throwing some frosting on them real quick. I have to say, I think he might be on to something :)

Anyways, 3 dozen cupcakes later I'm starting to perfect my techniques. I've got some great basic flavors and some pretty darn cute cupcakes.

I'm also excited because a friend of mine is going to be taking some pictures for me! I will finally have some quality, gorgeous pictures of my cupcakes to show people! I've already got 2 clients lined up for October and am feeling a little bit of pressure because there's so much to do. I've got to get these pictures done; get cards and magnets printed; really, really perfect the flavors and techniques; make sure the decorating is fabulous. I mean, if you look at it compared to everyday life it's just cupcakes....what's the big deal, right? But it is a big deal! I don't want to just have cupcakes. I want to have a quality cupcake that people enjoy and want more of. I want to have a business here! Phew! Now I'm off to visit the craft store...

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