Saturday, October 15, 2011


 Yesterday I had some free time, so I decided to try a pumpkin cupcake recipe. Sure enough, the smells in my kitchen were pure amazing-ness. The batter had that beautiful pumpkin pie color
And the smell! I wish I could bottle it up and upload it onto this blog because it was so enticing! They turned out beautifully and tasted as good as they smelled. I used a cream cheese frosting and it was a perfect compliment to the pumpkin.
So of course, I had to decorate them and with the current season we are in, what better way to decorate than Fall/Halloween?
This candy corn one is I think my favorite:

 Even though the mummy is pretty darn cute, too.
 The ghost didn't turn out so well, but the concept is there. I just need to work on my execution!
So I had fun making them and my family and friends most definitely enjoyed eating them!

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