I was inspired by a comment left on this blog to try a caramel apple recipe. I thought that an apple cupcake with a salted caramel frosting sounded superb, so I had some free time and off to baking I went! The apple cupcake was a little different (I mean, come on, there are actual apples inside the cake!), but it was smelling fantastic coming from my oven so I gave it the benefit of the doubt.
While the cupcakes were baking, I started the frosting. With it being a salted caramel frosting, you kind of need caramel and I've never made caramel before. Ever. But I thought "How hard can this be?!" Let's just say, it was an...experience. It was pretty fun to make though because it felt like a science experiment!
So here we go...Round 1! I melted down the sugar and it never actually boiled, so it got pretty dark before a mental red flag went off. I took it off the heat and added the butter and half & half within 2 minutes of taking it off the heat. It bubbled and steamed just like it was supposed to and as soon as I added the sea salt and attempted to mix it, all hope was lost. The sugar had hardened and was like a rock in the middle of the pan.
Ok, so maybe I burned the sugar...Round 2! I hovered over that pot, mixing and mixing and when it was a pretty amber color (significantly lighter than the first time), I took it off the heat and this time immediately added the butter and half & half. Bubbles, steam, hardened sugar.
Now if you've ever made caramel before, you know it is not the quickest process. With my 2 kids running around, I was quickly running out of time! So Plan B. I went and bought some caramel squares and melted them down with half & half. I added some sea salt, butter and powdered sugar and wah-lah! We had some "salted caramel frosting".
First words out of my mouth after tasting (atop a divine apple cupcake) "WOW! That is sweet!". We ended up throwing the entire bowl of frosting away, it was so incredibly sweet and didn't work at all.
So I'm thinking maybe a cinnamon cream cheese would be an awesome compliment to the apple cupcake. But my question is, what's the deal with the homemade caramel? Where did I go amiss?
Yes! Cinnamon cream cheese sounds great!! Sorry the salted carame didn't work. :-(