Wednesday, September 28, 2011


September is quickly coming to a close and it's hard to walk through a store anymore without noticing all the Halloween decorations and candy. Fall is one of my favorite times of year and I can't help but be a little awestruck at how beautiful the earth gets with all the leaves changing colors. Not only that, but we can start wearing sweatshirts again and who doesn't love that?! That being said, this rainy weather has definitely been putting me in the mood to bake and I've got some cute ideas for some Fall/Halloween cupcakes. I'm also thinking of trying my hand at some different recipes...can you smell the pumpkin now? Mmmmmmmm

1 comment:

  1. It's my favorite time of the year too! I've been trying to make caramel apple cupcakes. Post photos of your Halloween cupcakes please! :-)
