Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I have a 3 year old son who, as you can imagine, is very curious and wants to know everything right now. He also loves sweets (what 3 year old doesn't?) so everytime he sees me making cupcakes, he is elated. He wants to be right there watching the entire time and if I send him to watch cartoons or play, rest assured it is not very long before he returns to find out if the cupcakes are done yet. So imagine his dismay this past weekend while I was making at least 100 cupcakes and every time he asked if he could have one, I had to tell him no. Trauma! And drama, too if we are being honest here. "Why, Mom?! Pretty, pretty please?" I must have heard these words at least 10 times. Don't worry, though, he eventually got his cupcake (I'm sure he snuck more than one - we were surrounded by cupcakes!) and all was well with the world again.

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