Friday, October 8, 2010


We have completed 2 of our 4 decorating basics classes. "We" being myself, my mother, my sister and my niece. Let's just say that with short attention spans, all 4 of us together in a confined place, and 3 of the 4 of us having type A personalities that we aren't exactly star students. It definitely makes for an interesting 2 hours, though!

Just in case your having trouble envisioning how comical my family is in this class, here's a picture of my mom's "cake". The best part about it is that she was so intent that she was going to torte, fill and frost that cake just like everybody else was doing. I don't think Decorating Basics has ever heard so much laughter!

We're all a bit concerned though because in the first class, it was full. There were 11 people there, including us. The second class there were only 6 people, including us. Hmmmm...
All in all, the classes are fun and if nothing else, I'm learning different techniques.

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