Sunday, October 17, 2010


I did it! I filled my first cupcake order! I made 40 cupcakes (chocolate, devil's food and vanilla) for a friend of my sister's who was having a jewelry party. I can't even explain how nervous I was. It's one thing to make a bazillion cupcakes at home when it's just me and my husband, but to actually make them for actual people?! It was frightening. My head was a mess of thoughts. Would they like them? What if they tasted bad? What if people thought they were goofy looking? What if, what if, what if? But you know what? Everyone loved them! I got awesome reviews and I was so relieved!

I also finished my second cupcake order this weekend. This one was 60 cupcakes for the baptism of one of my niece's. Lots of cupcakes for lots of people! This time was a little bit more exciting because I actually got to hear from the people themselves about how good the cupcakes were, how cute they are, etc. Looks like I'm on my way! I will post new pictures soon.

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