Thursday, June 9, 2011

Baby shower

One of my cousin's is having a baby in August and for her shower I was asked to make cupcakes. The momma-to-be requested red velvet and lemon with coconut sprinkled on top. These cupcakes were quite an experience. Nothing seemed to work right! Plus I had my son's birthday party AND I ran a 5k at the Sunburst so I was on overload! But nevertheless, they were made and pretty fantastic.

The pictures are not my best, I was pretty tired...To give you an idea of how "well" these cupcakes cooperated, by the time we made it to Grand Rapids, MI every single one of my white chocolate "Baby"s (which I had to make twice) had melted. At that point I could do nothing but laugh! Ahhh well, we live and learn :)

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