Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Cinnamon roll

Pinterest is one of my favorite websites. I can't get over all the awesome ideas on there! And most of the time, it's so something so simple but brilliant that it leaves you wondering why you never thought of that before. I recently saw a recipe on the website for cinnamon roll pancakes. Um, yumm! So of course we had to make them, and of course they were super delicious. Later that night, I was watching TV with the hubs thinking about those pancakes and how good they would taste in cupcake form. Just imagine all that cinnamon filling and cream cheese glaze/frosting wrapped up into a delicious cupcakes. Mmmmm I'm definitely going to have to try to figure out some cinnamon roll inspired cupcakes!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Lemon Blueberry

 I did it! I finally broke down and made some cupcakes, just because I wanted to. It helped tremendously that my uncle fixed our air conditioner, so I wasn't as concerned about heating up my house and then roasting for the rest of the day. I was reading a little on the Cupcakes Take the Cake blog (www.cupcakestakethecake.blogspot.com) and stumbled across a recipe for lemon blueberry cupcakes. I was sold.
 I do have to say that I took a few shortcuts. The butter wasn't quite room temp (the microwave may have helped with that) and I used frozen blueberries from last summer, but since these were just for us I didn't feel too bad. These cupcakes were divine,even with the shortcuts. My husband isn't a huge sweets person, but he would eat 4 of them at a time. So yummy! I will say my biggest concern was when I was scooping the batter into the baking cups and hoping I would end up with blueberries in each cupcake (which I did ), but that's a risk you've got to take when working with fruit I suppose.
 The frosting was good as well, but I'm not sure it worked so great with these cupcakes. It was a lemon cream cheese. Both my husband and I liked it, but not so much on the cupcake. Again, it doesn't help that I was pressed for time and the ingredients were already room temperature and I didn't want to waste those ingredients. I would have played with the frosting a little more, but just flat out ran out of time. So with that being said, the frosting might have been perfect for it. I think we will have to have another trial run with these to see for sure :)

Monday, July 2, 2012

Summa time

I love summer. Sunshine, warmth, water, vacations...what isn't to love? There's also so many fruits in season, going to the grocery store and checking out the produce section is amazing. I really want to try some lemon blueberry cupcakes. I keep seeing different recipes and hearing about them through different websites and they just sound so yummm. Alas, my energy isn't exactly cooperating at this point. Can't I have lemon blueberry cupcakes without having to actually make them?? :) 35 weeks pregnant is leaving me a bit tired the past few days. Ahh well, I think I'm going to have to ignore it and do some baking! I'm sure the wonderful smells and treats afterwards will help wake me up!