Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Peanut butter

I wanted to make some cupcakes last week, but wanted to make something different...without having to go to the store :) So that led me to chocolate peanut butter cupcakes. Basically it's a chocolate cupcake with peanut butter frosting and I actually ended up making a peanut butter filling and putting that in half of them. The verdict? They were delicious, the frosting had a perfect amount of peanut butter. I will say though that the ones that had the peanut butter filling were gone much quicker than the ones that didn't. Note taken :)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


For my youngest niece's 1st birthday party, my sister decided to have a Candyland themed birthday party. Pretty awesome party theme! And the options for cupcakes were pretty much limitless.

Here are the gingerbread men and gumdrop cupcakes. In front of those are cake pops. This was my first run with cake pops and I LOVED making them! Not to mention, they were a complete hit.

Just a little bit of Candy land love. 

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


I sincerely apologize for the lack of activity lately! I have been making cupcakes and have even ventured into the realm of cake pops, but life has just gotten in the way! I have gotten out of the habit of posting pictures and cupcake adventures and that is something I plan on rectifying as soon as possible. I also have made a page on Facebook, but have not set it up so it's functional yet. In fact, I'm not even sure it has any relevant information at all. I will be adding that to my to-do list! Until next time....