Sunday, March 20, 2011


I think I've mentioned before that for right now, I'm simply making cupcakes on the side. Along with being a full-time mom, I'm also a part-time bookkeeper and office manager for a CPA here in Mishawaka. Right now, it's March. Now when most people hear that it's March, they think spring or maybe St. Patrick's Day or something along those lines. Me? I think "Ok. One month left. There's only one month left. We can make it!". See, March in accounting land means tax season. In fact, from January-April 15 life tends to be taxes, taxes, taxes! I work more hours and I'm a lot more tired which means I have more to keep up with at home. This, in turn, means that I want to make cupcakes less and less right now. So again I apologize for the lack of posts lately and for those of you that thoroughly enjoy  my cupcakes, I apologize for the lack of making them; but never fear, they will return soon!

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