Sunday, August 26, 2012


So a quick update, as I have company due to arrive any moment (hey, you have to take advantage of what time you have!) #3 has arrived! She was born July 31 in our bathroom with 911 on the phone. I'm not even exaggerating. We like a little drama around here! You would think with baby #3, I would know the signs, right? Well, in my defense I was induced with #1 and #2 was 5 weeks early and I didn't know I was in labor (pre-term labor is way different than regular labor). PLUS I was having contractions for weeks that would get close together and then phase back out. Long story short, it was less than 20 minutes from me waking my husband up to baby being here. She. Came. Fast. So fast that we got 911 on the phone about 20 seconds before she was born. But we are both healthy and thank goodness there were no complications! So Happy Birthday, little baby!

 On another birthday note, August is FULL of birthdays for our family. My older brother's birthday is this coming week and I'm pretty excited because I have a surprise up my sleeve for him. It may or may not involved some special cupcakes ;) I just hope it turns out in real life as good as it is in my head!