Tuesday, June 26, 2012


 It has been an absolutely ridiculous long time. Unacceptable. No excuses. Shame. On. Me. Life, once again, tended to get in the way. I'm still pregnant with numero tres, 34 weeks! It's finally starting to feel real. That and taking care of my boys has been enough to keep me busy, but we also sold our house, bought another and moved! Ahhhh, can't believe it actually happened! But we are thrilled and we are finally, finally, finally feeling settled.
 There hasn't been a whole lot happening in cupcake land. In fact, when I made the cupcakes for my son's 5th (FIVE?! Is he really 5?!?) it felt strange and foreign. Not exactly how I want to feel about making cupcakes...
 I even had to turn down a few cupcake orders *gasp* I can't help it! But when everything you own is in a box and then your closings are delayed for almost a month, it makes everything difficult! But life is finally calming down (until this baby is born at least) and all my cupcake stuff has a nice spot in our new house and I am thrilled to start making cupcakes more regularly again. Hopefully it won't be another 6 months before my next post :)